Roadway Reinforcement

Ace XP Polymer Fiber
ACE Fiber®, is pure aramid with a wax treatment. By treating the aramid with wax, the aramid is weighted down and controlled for proper delivery into the asphalt mix. When ACE Fiber enters the asphalt mixing chamber, the wax melts to release the fibers in the right place at the right time. This unique delivery process results in the highest performing blend of Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete (FRAC) in the market.

Geotextile Fabrics
Geotextiles work by separating two layers of material. These layers need to have sustained separation in order to co-exist in a structurally effective manner. Examples include aggregate over soil and good soil over poor soil, both of which are common occurrences in roadway and railway construction.

Pavement Overlay Products
Constant increases in traffic frequency and axle loads place great demands on existing roads. The horizontal stresses induced between layers soon result in crack formation, and any local differential settlements also lead to cracking of the asphalt layer. These stresses result in crack formation caused by horizontal forces and by local differential settlements.

Tensar Geogrids
Geogrids were invented by Tensar in the late 1970s and are a category of geosynthetic material that can be used to provide the functions of reinforcement, stabilization, and filtration.
Tensar geogrids have been tested extensively to ensure long-term performance and value.
Landfill & Waste Containment

Dewatering Solutions
Dewatering a construction site and removing silt and sediment can be done efficiently with Dewatering Bags. Dewatering bags are used on construction sites in water pumping conditions so that sediment discharge is controlled during pumping. When water Rows through the dewatering bag the sediment settles as the water is slowed by the bag and the bag captures the soil.

Drainage Geocomposites
When you consider that prefabricated drainage systems are engineered to work effectively for specific applications, you begin to understand the benefits of prefabricated drains. These benefits include lower installation costs, higher longevity, and better functionality than traditional drainage systems.

Geomembranes & Liners
Geomembranes are a cost-effective way to meet requirements of fluid barriers, containments, and other similar applications. They have been used for many years and have become increasingly popular due to their overall performance. Membranes are available in many varieties, meaning they can be used for many types of projects.

Today, there are many products to contain, convey, and manage stormwater for our new site developments. Site Supply has the knowledge and expertise to help you select the best products for the stormwater management needs of your project. We inventory storm pipe and associated components and can deliver to your job quickly.
Stormwater & Green Infrastructure

Catch Basin Filtration
Fabco Catch Basin Filtration Units are highly effective and designed to Offer the full range of pollutants from Stormwater runoff. Utilizing leading filter technology, StormBasins come in over 400 sizes with heavy-duty, adjustable, aluminum flanges. Furthermore, StormBasins’ filter cartridges target bacteria, TSS, trash & debris, herbicides, pesticides, oil & grease and heavy metals.

Modern day functionality and structural concept used for centuries have come together to create the PaveDrain® System, a premier permeable paving surface. The PaveDrain System is a Permeable Articulating Concrete Block/Mat (P-ACB/M) that provides environmental beneUts as a designated solution for compliance with local regulatory stormwater requirements. PaveDrain’s durability and savings make it a cost-eYective alternative to traditional asphalt and concrete pavements.

Plastic Grass Pavers
Grass Pavers form a permeable pavement surface that allows light to heavy vehicle traRc over live turf. This system employs honeycomb cells that allow grass roots to grow without compaction from surface loads. It also allows storm water to drain directly through to the substrate.

Today, there are many products to contain, convey, and manage stormwater for our new site developments. Site Supply has the knowledge and expertise to help you select the best products for the stormwater management needs of your project. We inventory storm pipe and associated components and can deliver to your job quickly.

Guardian Retaining Walls
These multipurpose barrier systems can be used to stabilize slides, reinforce creek and river banks, and provide road shoulders in areas at high risk for erosion and scour. They can be used to make coffer dams, fight rising flood waters, and can be used to filter water and remove silt and sediment.

RTank stormwater systems provide underground storage of stormwater. After a rain event fills the RTank, stormwater can flow into the drainage system, infiltrate into the ground, or be reused. The system is an alternative to stormwater basins and a more efficient, space saving alternative to other underground systems for detention, infiltration, and recycling Stormwater.

Construction and installation of the HydroTurf system are rapid, low impact and scalable. Only small, light-weight construction equipment is needed for installation. On large projects, one (1) construction crew is able to install approximately 1 acre per day. Additional crews can be added to increase this rate.
Erosion & Sediment Control

Concrete Canvas
Concrete Cloth is a flexible, cement impregnated geocomposite material that hardens when hydrated. The cloth comes in 3′ wide rolls that are easy to unroll. The product, before hydrating, conforms to the contours of the underlying subgrade. Once hydrated, the cloth forms into a thin, durable, waterproof and fire resistant concrete layer that protects the subgrade from erosion and/or scour.

Dandy Products
Dandy Products has proven to be the top choice for storm inlet devices throughout North America. They are designed for use with flat grates and mountable curbs to detain sediment-laden storm water. The suspended solids in the stormwater are allowed to settle out of the slowed flow and are then captured by Dandy Products prior to entering inlet.

Erosion Control Blankets & TRMs
Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) are organic products such as straw, excelsior, or coconut fibers which decompose with UV light exposure. They improve ground stability and hold underlying soil in place. Since they decompose over time, ECBs are best used in lighter applications where vegetation will eventually completely replace the erosion control materials.

Gabions are rectangular, wire-mesh baskets Plled with rocks. They are often placed on slopes and channels for erosion protection. In addition, they can be stacked to create retaining walls. For decades, they have been used to solve a variety of erosion-based engineering dilemmas because of their Sexibility and unique design elements.

Perimeter Inlet Sediment Control
Silt fences are made with geotextile fabric and wood or steel posts. They are the traditional method of silt protection and are typically installed mechanically. Proper installation is important to reduce silt fence failure. Site Supply can be consulted as to the proper installation to avoid any failures.

Pond Skimmers
The Marlee Float Skimmer is a surface draining device that is used in new construction for temporary erosion control after rain events. Made of HDPE pipe, polyethylene float and stainless steel fittings, the Marlee Float is UV Resistant and virtually indestructible.
Wall & Slope Stability

Armormax Slope System
ARMORMAX® is an Anchored Reinforced Vegetation System (ARVS) that consists of a high performance Turf Reinforcement Mat (HPTRM) and percussion driven earth anchors that work together to lock soil in place and resist movement. This is a cost-effective alternative to rock slope protection and soil nailing with shotcrete that is easy to install, saving on labor costs.

Cellular Confinement
Cellular Confinement Systems are three dimensional HDPE grids that provide soil stability and erosion control. They have been used throughout the construction industry for grass parking lots, driveways, boat ramps, maintenance roads, cart paths, walkways and water crossings. As its name implies, it functions by “confining” soils or gravel and thus greatly increasing the load carrying capacity of the base materials. Plus, the cellular confinement panels are light and easy to handle and install.

Crane Materials Sheeting
Most seawalls, bulkheads and water control structures are made of steel, concrete, or treated wood- but these materials face a number of design and service issues. Rust, cost, and endless maintenance are all drawbacks of using steel, which is often coated with chemicals that are harmful to the environment. In addition, concrete structures are subject to deterioration through settling, cracking, or the corrosion of the reinforcing steel.

Triton Marine Mattresses
The Triton® Marine Mattress system makes construction in waterways extremely easy and efficient. Specifically designed for demanding conditions, this system helps protect submerged foundation projects. This decreases the risk of erosion and scouring. These mattresses are assembled with geogrid and geotextile materials.