CMI Sheet Piling
Often, additional deep foundations are required when using concrete adding unnecessary additional expenses. Treated wood has its own setbacks, ranging from damage caused by UV exposure and toxic chemicals to infestations of fungus, termites or bacteria. Contrarily, ShoreGuard, UltraComposite, and AlumiGuard provide cost-effective and sustainable building materials for seawalls and other sheet piling structures that can be installed easier and provide a long service-life without toxic coatings or preservatives. Both products are corrosion resistant, UV resistant and impervious to marine worm activity. These features have made CMI products the top choice for engineers and contractors worldwide.
Cost Effective Sustainability
Often, additional deep foundations are required when using concrete adding unnecessary additional expenses. Treated wood has its own setbacks, ranging from damage caused by UV exposure and toxic chemicals to infestations of fungus, termites or bacteria. Contrarily, ShoreGuard and UltraComposite provide cost-e\ective and sustainable building materials for seawalls and other sheet piling structures that can be installed easier and provide a long service-life without toxic coatings or preservatives. Both products are corrosion resistant, UV resistant and impervious to marine worm activity. These features have made CMI products the top choice for engineers and contractors worldwide.
PileClaw Installation
Driving any sheet piling material to significant depths, or in difficult soil conditions, is a challenging task. However, the PileClaw Installation Equipment allows Vinyl and FRP sheeting to be successfully used in many different driving conditions- even at depths up to 70 feet! PileClaw is CMI’s proprietary steel mandrel installation technology. It incorporates patented features to improve the installation of ShoreGuard, UltraComposite, and AlumiGuard sheet piling.
The PileClaw Mandrels are compatible with traditional driving equipment including cranes, excavators and Mobilram pile drivers. There are several PileClaw lengths and sizes specifically fabricated to work with multiple sheet profiles and lengths. With an adjustable width, the PileClaw DriveGuide can work for a variety of sheet piles and Mandrels to improve installation. Its built-in system helps keep sheets aligned and plumb during installation, taking stress off the interlocks. The PileClaw DriveGuide increases the rate of installation, holding sheet piles in the ground during extraction. Labor time in the field is also greatly reduced, thanks to easy on-site assembly.